[swinog] network and ISP consulting

2017-03-10 Diskussionsfäden kieber
Hello SwiNOGers,


as some of you might already know, I have chosen to become self-employed and
make myself available as a consultant/freelancer.


If you are looking for flexible help in network and ISP matters on a
contract basis, regularly or for a special project, feel free to visit
http://www.xoo.net/en/services.html to get an idea on the expertise I can
offer and/or email  me off-list at kie...@xoo.net.


Best regards,


xoo networks consulting
Ulf Kieber
Hardstr. 312

CH-8005 Zürich

Mobile (CH):
Mobile (DE):

+41 76 5668914
+49 171 5848914

 <http://www.xoo.net/> 370x75

Follow us on  <https://twitter.com/depeering> Twitter,
LinkedIn,  <https://www.xing.com/companies/xoonetworksconsultingulfkieber>



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[swinog] SwissIX Birthday Party

2016-05-04 Diskussionsfäden Ulf Kieber

 SwissIX Birthday Party

Dear SwissIX Members, Peers, Colleagues, Sponsors, and Friends,

it is my pleasure to remind you all that the SwissIX Internet Exchange 
Association was founded on March 9, 2001 and first registered with the 
Zurich Register of Commerce on Oct 5, 2001. We are thus celebrating our 
15th anniversary this year.

But what's an anniversary without a decent party?

We therefore would like to invite you to join us

on Tuesday, June 7, 2016, 1900 CEST (doors open at 1800 CEST)
at Steinfels, Heinrichstr. 267, 8005 Zürich

for a big "Happy Birthday, SwissIX" Party, to have some food and drinks 
together and maybe meet some of the peers you never met in person before.

Please register by mail to pa...@swissix.ch 
stating your name and affiliation.

There will also be a limited number of places for non-members and 
non-participants. If you are a party interested in joining the SwissIX 
Association and/or the Exchange Point, a member of the press, or feel 
you can contribute to our event in another way, you are welcome to 
register. In this case, please explain a bit more about yourself and why 
you would like to accompany us.

All registrations are subject to approval by the Board.

For those traveling farther, we have reserved a small contingent of 
hotel rooms. If you would like to benefit from our discounted rate, 
please hurry up registering before May 7, and notify us in your email. 
We will then get you in touch with the hotel.

We would like to thank our hardware supplier Brocade for sponsoring this 

Happy peering and happy networking.

PS: Please feel free to redistribute.  This invitation may also be found 
at https://www.swissix.ch/swissix-birthday-party

s w i s s i x - Swiss Internet Exchange
Ulf Kieber

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[swinog] traveling to Bern

2021-12-01 Diskussionsfäden Ulf Kieber
Hi all,

is somebody from the Zurich area travelling to Berne by car tomorrow
morning, willing to pick me up in Zuerich West and cope with me for the
ride?  :)

Thanks and cheers,
Ulf Kieber  Mobile:  +49 171 5848914
Muenchener Str. 1   Skype:   ulfkieber
DE-10777 Berlin Threema: WEAK876B

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