I have a couple of problems with pre-verse headings and osis.
First up, pre-verse div's have been introduced, superseding the old title
x-preverse hack.
How can you tell from the entry attributes whether it came from a title or a
div? is it just that if it comes from a title, it won't start with an "<"?
I've tried that in BPBible, and it seems to work - but I don't really trust
it. (this is important in BPBible because otherwise it starts wrapping the
contents of pre-verse divs inside h6 tags, creating loads of whitespace...)

It would make it more consistent if the heading filter output the <title>
around it for the old-style pre-verse titles.

I've attached a (validating) OSIS document, and the raw verse data file for
it. It's possibly not good OSIS, but I don't know.

Observe the probable abundance of whitespace, and try turning headings on
and off.
One big problem here is that structure is being put into these pre-verse
divs by osis2mod.
This includes things like paragraph starts, poetry line starts, etc.
<l level="1"><verse sID="Mark.1.3" osisID="Mark.1.3"/>Line level 1<verse
<div type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" sID="pv3"/><l level="1"
sID="gen6"/><div type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" eID="pv3"/>Line
level 1

Unless the structure is completely contained in the pre-verse div, it
shouldn't be turned off when the headings filter is turned off.

God Bless,
Multitudes, multitudes,
   in the valley of decision!
For the day of the LORD is near
   in the valley of decision.

Giôên 3:14 (ESV)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<osis xmlns="http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace"; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace http://www.bibletechnologies.net/osisCore.2.1.1.xsd";>
	<osisText osisIDWork="thisWork" osisRefWork="bible" xml:lang="en">
			<work osisWork="thisWork">
				<type type="OSIS">Bible</type>
				<identifier type="OSIS">TEST</identifier>
			<work osisWork="bible">
				<type type="OSIS">Bible</type>
		<div type="book" osisID="Mark">
			<title level="1">Book title - Mark</title>
			<chapter sID="Mark.1" osisID="Mark.1"/>
			<div type="section" scope="Mark.1.1-Mark.1.8" xml:space="preserve">
				<title>Section title - Mark 1:1-8</title><p>
					<verse sID="Mark.1.1" osisID="Mark.1.1"/>Mark 1:1<verse eID="Mark.1.1"/>
					<title>Mark 1:2's title</title>
					<verse sID="Mark.1.2" osisID="Mark.1.2"/>Mark 1:2
						<l level="2">Line level 2</l>
						<verse eID="Mark.1.2"/>
						<l level="1"><verse sID="Mark.1.3" osisID="Mark.1.3"/>Line level 1<verse eID="Mark.1.3"/><verse osisID="Mark.1.4" sID="Mark.1.4" />Mark 1:4</l>
					End of mark 1:4
					<verse eID="Mark.1.4" />
					interverse text
					<verse sID="Mark.1.5" osisID="Mark.1.5" />
					Test verse 5
					<verse eID="Mark.1.5" />
					<title>verse 6 pre-verse title</title>
					<verse sID="Mark.1.6" osisID="Mark.1.6" />
					Test verse 6
					<verse eID="Mark.1.6" />
		<chapter eID="Mark.1" />

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