Yes, zText/zCom entry size is held as an unsigned short, so can be of length <2^16.

On 11/12/2013 7:58 AM, John Austin wrote:
I've got a large Russian commentary which is nearly 30MB. It has some
very long introductions and commentary "verses" which are greater than
64KB in length. These are easily handled with the RawCom4 driver. But
when I use mod2zmod to compress the module, these long entries get
truncated (also without warning).

The zVerse class for reading compressed Bible and commentary modules
uses a 2 byte integer to represent verse size. This seems to truncate
all commentary entries (verses) which are greater than 64KB in length.

RawText4 & RawCom4 were only added in 2007 since there wasn't previously seen to be a need for such long Bible/commentary verse entries. The contributor of RawText4 & RawCom4 apparently did not submit a corresponding zText4 or zCom4 class.

So is there another way I'm not seeing to compress this commentary? If
there is no way at present, can we come up with a way to do this for the
future? Maybe a zVerse4 could be added? Or some other way? Of all the
module types, commentaries can really benefit from compression since
they can be so huge.

zText4 & zCom4 could be added without much effort, but doing so would obviously require a new point release, at a minimum. I don't think adding new classes causes any problems for us with respect to our ABI/API compatibility stability policies (not that I'm sure we have even defined any), but would appreciate some confirmation from someone who is more familiar with that.


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