Dear volunteers who have helped with translating Bishop,

We are looking for help choosing a "preferred Bible" for each locale, set by adding a new string to the translation file with a key simply as preferredBible=

Can you help?

Bishop started off by shipping a very small (~3MB) APK with only the application, and upon first run, it would ask permission to download a basic set of modules and then proceed to grab resources from our repositories.

We later switched to shipping this basic set (KJV, StrongsGreek, StrongsHebrew, SME) bundled within the APK.

We've discovered advantages and disadvantages to both approaches, so now we're going to try a hybrid.

We're still planning to ship the basic module set within the APK-- only increases the size to total ~14MB, but we're planning to ask the user for their preferred locale upon first startup and download some language-specific resources for them.

And for this approach, we need your help to determine "the most widely accepted" Bible for the locale.

Some locales are also behind on translation. If you can help by selecting and adding a preferredBible entry, and possibly updating the locale for the latest strings located at the bottom of the template file, that would be so appreciated.  The locale files are located here:

and the template here:

Thank you for sharing together in service,


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