In working on the ESV, catchWord is used a lot in notes to tie the note to the 
text in the verse. I'm running into a problem with Exodus 3:14.

The input text I'm coming from is:
<verse num="14">
God said to Moses, “<span class="divine-name">I am who I am</span>.”<note 
class="alternative">Or <span class="divine-name"><span class="catch-word">I 
am</span> what I am</span>, or <span class="divine-name"><span 
class="catch-word">I</span> will be what I will be</span></note> And he said, 
“Say this to the people of Israel, ‘<span class="divine-name">I am</span> has 
sent me to you.’”

The most natural way to represent the verse is:
<verse osisID="Exod.3.14">
God said to Moses, “<divineName>I am who I am</divineName>.”<note 
type="alternative">Or <divineName><catchWord>I am</catchWord> what I 
am</divineName>, or <divineName><catchWord>I</catchWord> will be what I will 
be</divineName></note> And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, 
‘<divineName>I am</divineName> has sent me to you.’”

(I've simplified this by replacing the <q> element with the quotation mark, 
removing the cross reference note, removing italics and not showing the 
attributes that add nothing to the question. Just kept what showed the problem.)

The problem is that catchWord while being allowed in <note> is not allowed in 
<divineName>. (FYI: catchWord is only allowed in <note> and <p>)

catchWord does allow for many elements, including divineName, so I can flip the 
nesting and code this as:
<verse osisID="Exod.3.14">
God said to Moses, “<divineName>I am who I am</divineName>.”<note 
type="alternative">Or <catchWord><divineName>I 
am</divineName></catchWord><divineName> what I am</divineName>, or 
<catchWord><divineName>I</divineName></catchWord><divineName> will be what I 
will be</divineName></note> And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, 
‘<divineName>I am</divineName> has sent me to you.’”

This will validate and it will render correctly, but it is just bad.

Any advice?

In Him,
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