All are invited to Jon Roffe's presentation at the Philosophy Seminar at UNSW.

Title: Money and Mnemotechnics

Abstract: It is broadly agreed that money plays three key roles: a means of 
exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account. Depending on a variety of 
other presuppositions, however, which of these functions is primary 
(historically, functionally, and logically) differs a great deal. The goal of 
this paper is to consider a necessary condition for any use of money that is 
rarely the object of economic thought: social memory, such that it is the locus 
of the inscription of monetary activity, credits and debts. The importance of 
this condition is particularly prominent in new digital forms of currency, such 
as Bitcoin, and the blockchain protocol that it makes use of. I will consider 
this problematic in light of Nietzsche's analysis of memory in the second Essay 
of the Genealogy of Morals, which presents an account of the nature and 
formation of such a memory in relation to the twinned notions of debt and guilt.

Venue: Morven Brown 209

Date and Time: Tuesday 18 October 12:30-2:00

Markos Valaris
Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Associate Editor, Australasian Journal of Philosophy
University of New South Wales
Phone: +(61) 2 9385 2760 (office)
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