
Please find the code below

   $current_name = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('allnames');

   $token = strtok($current_name, ",");
   $msubject = "Invitation for the meeting-Date:".$startdate." Start
Time:".$stime." Room:".$room_tuple->getName();

   $c = new Criteria();

       $par_tuple = EmployeeTablePeer::doSelectOne($c);
   catch(PropelException $e)
   $val = $par_tuple->getEmpId();

I get the error for the line above -

"Fatal Error: Call to a member function getEmpId() on a non-object in
/opt/lampp/htdocs/crb/apps/tool/modules/book/actions/actions.class.php at
line 2370 which is the highlighted pink line above.

My opinion
My point is that session between web browser and server has been broken
hence the $this->getUser()->getAttribute('allnames'); is returning a null
value but if it is null then we should get PropelException.

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