
I'm approximately following the jobeet (propel) tutorial using my own
database. I went through the frontend application development and it
all works as expected. Now I wanted to try the backend part of the
tutorial so I created the app by running:

./symfony generate:app --escaping-strategy=on --csrf-secret=my own
secrete backend

Then I  created a backend module for one of the tables (the table is
named contact and the associate ORM class is Contact) by running:
./symfony propel:generate-admin backend Contact --module=contacts

Now if I want to check the module in the Web browser I get the
following error:
Fatal error: Class 'ContactFormFilter' not found in /Path/To/My/webapp/
BaseContactsGeneratorConfiguration.class.php on line 331

The peace of code that the line 331 refers to is (with line numbers in
the left column):

327  public function getFilterForm($filters)
328 {
329   $class = $this->getFilterFormClass();
331   return new $class($filters, $this->getFilterFormOptions());
332  }

Does anyone have any ideas what is happening?

Thank you very much,

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