Hey Everyone, 

My name is* Ayush Bisht* and currently I'm in second-year , pursuing 
Computer Science and Engineering from BTKIT Engineering college.

   - I have been contributing to open source for 3 months and I have done 
   some contributions in *pygame* ,* TheAlgorithm* and few more. I have 
   done *Python Programming master course* from *udemy* and have good  
   knowledge of python. 
   - I have taken courses on discrete mathematics, probability and 
   statistics , Mathematics - I and II (vector calculus, numerical methods, 
   linear algebra, ODE's, complex analysis, improper integrals, fourier and 
   laplace transformation) , physics( kinematics, Quantum mechanics*, *fluid 
   mechanics ,  optics ) , data structure and algorithm. 
   - I have been exploring  python since 2 years and I have made a lots of 
   projects using its GUI libraries and framework. 
   - I am good with *Tkinter* ,* Django,* *Pygame*, *Sympy* , *Tensorflow* ,* 
   numpy* , *pandas* ,  *matplotlib* , *keras .*
   - Along with python , I also have  good knowledge of*  C , C++,  java , 
   HTML, CSS , Java-Script , git *. 

I am interested in participating in GSoC 2021 for sympy and would love to 
contribute and work on the projects.

Thank you.

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