
Now that SymEngine <https://github.com/symengine/symengine> has enough
methods ported from sympy.core, it can be used in other parts of sympy.

For example, I've been adding methods to symengine.py
<https://github.com/symengine/symengine.py> to mirror the SymPy API so that
`n_link_pendulum_on_cart` from PyDy can run without any conversions from
SymEngine to SymPy and vice versa. We chose sympy.physics and PyDy because
it uses less amount of things from other sympy modules.

For those who are unfamiliar let me explain how SymEngine and SymPy can
interoperate. In almost all functions in sympy, sympify is called on inputs
before doing anything. Symengine objects when sympified are converted
into sympy and therefore can be used in those functions. Similarly in
symengine, all methods call symengine's sympify which would convert sympy
objects to symengine. One additional thing that symengine do is that when
it goes through a sympy expression's tree and finds a function not defined
in symengine like Ynm, then it will create a PyFunction object to wrap the
Ynm object. Logic is there so that methods like subs, eval, hash, compare
can fallback to Python.

This is okay, but doesn't really help with sympy's speed as symengine
objects are converted to sympy as soon as a sympy function is called. To
avoid these conversions, I've started a PR here
<https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/11002>. What it does is it looks for
an environment variable USE_SYMENGINE and if found it uses symengine's
methods instead of sympy methods.

import os
if os.environ.get('USE_SYMENGINE'):
    from symengine import sympify, diff, sin, cos, Matrix, symbols,
UndefFunction as Function
    from sympy import sympify, diff, sin, cos, Matrix, symbols, Function

Advantages over sympy is that symengine is faster. Symengine keeps objects
in data structures that are used to creating them. For example, an Add
keeps the dictionary of coefficients (output of
expr.as_coefficients_dict()). This structure is used throughout symengine
without flattening it to a list of Mul objects. So this leads to a better
time complexity than sympy.

Also since symengine is written in C++, true threading is also possible.
I've tried using OpenMP for embarrassingly parallel algorithms like taking
the jacobian of a matrix and differentiating all elements of a matrix and
it gives a good speedup for `n_link_pendulum_on_cart`.

One question I have is how do we test this? Is this something that should
be tested in symengine or sympy? Since symengine is written in C++ and the
default C++ compiler is different on different platforms, symengine is
tested on Linux (gcc, clang), OS X (gcc, AppleClang) and Windows (MSVC,
MinGW, MinGW-w64) with different compilers using Travis-CI and Appveyor.

Jason was okay to merge the PR as an undocumented feature, but what should
be done to support this officially?


Isuru Fernando

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