Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: c526bf2186871d5b4133f3527b3da54390e44f78
  Author: rodolforg <>
  Date:   2021-02-28 (Sun, 28 Feb 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M synfig-studio/src/synfigapp/actions/layerduplicate.cpp
    M synfig-studio/test/app_layerduplicate.cpp

  Log Message:
  [Synfig Studio] don't let inner layer be duplicated twice (#2050)

If action LayerDuplicate has among the layers to be duplicated a
layer named "a" that is 'inside' of a group layer (pastecanvas)
named "g". In case of "g" is a layer included in the action layer
list too, don't duplicate the "a" twice, ie. the group and
its contents - including "a" - are duplicated, but "a" won't
be duplicated again.

It would clash the GUID of both "a" duplicates, and that leads
to crash.
A way to avoid it in a general way would be too troublesome :P
Many hierarchy levels and special GUIDs to handle.

Regular (and advanced) user normally won't need it, anyway.

Full description and minor discussion here:

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