Hi! I've build Synfig Studio genete_draw_tool_2 in a Ubuntu 11.04 32 bits
machine and it works fine. I can't reproduce the problem here.
Any idea?

---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>
Fecha: 13 de octubre de 2011 18:47
Asunto: Re: Chat con Zelgadis
Para: Zelgadis <ksee.zelga...@gmail.com>

I've pulled and full rebuild Synfig Studio in a VMware virtual Ubuntu 10.04
32 bits and can't reproduce the problem. Lower bound is set to 0.0 and upper
bound is set to 1.0. Also, widthpoint position text is shown correctly.
Which 32 bit OS are you using? is it Fedora? There must be some difference
on the libraries that causes that problem.
I remember that in Ubuntu 11.04 32 bits the duck priorities doesn't work
well. I'll try to build and run latest version in that machine to see if I
can reproduce the problem.

2011/10/13 Zelgadis <ksee.zelga...@gmail.com>

> 08:40 Yo: hi! are you in a 32 or 64 bits machine?
> 08:43 and how can the upper boundary be set to other than 1.0??? there is
> not code to do that!
> ------------------------------
> 5 minutos
> 08:49 Yo: well, I'll double check this afternoon. I'm at the office now.
>  Zelgadis: Hi! 32bit one
> 08:50 Yo: I swear that the 32 bits libraries problem are related
> 08:51 Zelgadis: ^___^
>  Yo: specially for the upper boundary!
>   I can't understand it!
> 08:52 can you do a git grep set_upper_bound? you shouldn't find more than
> the member definitions and the WidthPoint variables are private
> 08:53 Zelgadis: synfig-core/src/synfig/valuenode_composite.cpp:
> ret.set_upper_bo
> synfig-core/src/synfig/widthpoint.cpp:WidthPoint::set_upper_bound(Real ub)
> synfig-core/src/synfig/widthpoint.h: void set_upper_bound(Real ub);
> (END)
> 08:57 Tested with tablet - same thing
>   I gues you have uninitialized variable somewhere
>  Yo: and the upper boundary is not 1.0?
>  Zelgadis: The upper bound is different each time
>  Yo: ouch!
>  Zelgadis: 0.3... for stylus, 0.6... for mouse
> 08:58 Yo: I can't understand
>   as you can see in the git grep, there is not any other place where the
> upper_bound is set than the rigth places
> 09:00 Zelgadis: (*components[5])(t).get(Real()) - I would check the value
> of *components pointer
> 09:03 Yo: don't waste time on it
>  Zelgadis: OK
> 09:04 Yo: I'll build on a 32 bits virtual machine this afternoon
>   after chech that it works fine on the 64 one
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