
I have documented the generic design of almost (all?) syslog
implementations I know. Of course, there are some slight differences if
you look at the code, but the logical functions are present. Find it


> -----Original Message-----
> From: tom.petch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 1:52 PM
> To: syslog
> Cc: David Harrington
> Subject: [Syslog] draft-ietf-syslog-device-mib-15
> A few more suggestions on this thorny matter:-(
> I like the change to [references] in the object descriptions - but I
> would
> suggest moving the paragraph which tells the RFC Editor what to do up
> the
> document to the first time that RFCPROT occurs. And label it as a Note
> to the
> RFC Ed. because that is what it is (unless we wait on the publication
> of the
> other RFC before submitting this one which could delay it for nine
> months)
> In the statistics entries, I suggest that 'should have a zero value'
> more
> accurate than 'will have a zero value'  (really it is 'SHOULD be zero'
> but I do
> not think that that is allowed in a MIB module).
> s2  'A relay forwards /some/  ... ' suggest /some or all/
> s3 statistics now include received, sent, relayed and discarded so I
> would
> mention all those options here.
> SyslogRoles confuses me; I read the earlier text in s2 as
> sender/receiver being
> the lower layer and collector/relay/originator as being the
> application; in
> which case, I expect the Roles to be collector/relay/originator ie
> relay
> includes both sender and receiver in the lower layer sense in which
> they are
> used elsewhere.
> SyslogEncapsulation - what did we decide about Syslog-Sign; I have
> track.
> suggest removing
>    --syslogControlTable
>    --
>    --
>    --syslogOperationsTable
>    --
> syslogControlBindPort - might there be a default of 514?
> syslogOperationsMsgsTransmitted - I would prefer
> syslogOperationsMsgsSent since
> we talk elsewhere of Sender and not Transmitter.  The two terms are
> near
> synonyms but could confuse a non-native speaker
> syslogOperationsMsgsDropped
>            "The number of messages that could not be queued
>             for transmission by the syslog sender.
> I am unclear what this means; it sounds to me like an implementation
> detail.  In
> general, I would expect there to be other reasons, other resource
> shortages, why
> messages could not be sent and would prefer a more generic description
> with
> 'could not be queued' as an eg rather than the sole cause
> syslogOperationsCounterDiscontinuityTime
>              counters, viz., counters with OID prefix
> I would suggest Object Descriptor rather than OID prefix
> syslogOperationsMsgsMalFormed -  the reference to s6.3 is a reference
> to
> structured data whereas the text in this I-D only talks of header; I
> know of no
> reference for malformed headers, although it has surfaced on the list,
> without,
> as I recall, any conclusion.
> Tom Petch
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