On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 5:40 PM Nils Kattenbeck <nilskem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 13:29 Nils Kattenbeck <nilskem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Lennart,
>> thanks for the information. I finally found out the true cause,
>> however, and it's just stupidity on my part.
>> While Debian (my mkosi base) does ship systemd-growfs and the man
>> pages for all the services, it does not ship the services themselves.
>> So I guess that the auto-grow functionality can never be activated.
> Even after switching to Fedora (and adding two to the cmdline) the growfs 
> functionality still does not work. The images are simply generated with 
> mkosi. Is there any part which I might be missing?
> Are there any mechanisms to debug this mechanism? Maybe something with the 
> generator files? I can also create a minimal example and provide you with the 
> image, or mkosi files, whichever you prefer if that would help.

I had a look into the source of gpt-auto-generator. In add_root_mount
the add_mount function is called with growfs set to false without
considering any flags/options. This seems to negate the whole purpose
of using the growfs flag in the first place?!

Kind regards, Nils

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