Le 06/05/2013 11:27, Colin Guthrie a écrit :
Also, It is my understanding (and feel free to correct me here) but
nfs-idmap is often needed on client systems also? I'm sure I had to
configure a client in the past to ensure idmap was running in order to
avoid permissions problems and users getting mapped to the 65k uid that
means "nobody.

I had to force this by setting NEEDS_IDMAP=yes in the old sysconfig file
/etc/sysconfig/nfs-common (I'm pretty sure we had the same sysvinit
setup as Fedora in the past).
We didn't :)

I stole the nfs-common sysvinit script from Debian, to hide the complexity of the gazillion different daemons needed. AFAIK, Fedora always used single-executable-services.

And indeed idmapd is needed both sides for NFSv4.
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