[systemd-devel] A question about systemd offline update

2016-08-02 Thread lin webber
hello: I have a question about systemd offline update.I want to write a shell script to install some deb packages with systemd . I have read docs about offline system updates in https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/SystemUpdates/. but still don't know how to write my scr

[systemd-devel] A question of sequential control of systemd service.

2016-08-30 Thread lin webber
hello: I have a question about systemd unit. I'm using ubuntu 16.04 whih lightdm display manager . I have a service that I want to start it completely before the lightdm service . it means that my service and lightdm is not parallel started . how can i write my unit file ,and what to a

[systemd-devel] can't use overlay in ubuntu 16.04 UEFI mode

2016-09-12 Thread lin webber
hello: I install the overlay package in ubuntu16.04 and mount overlay file system in a black partition . and i reboot the system,then system go in emergency mode and when i use" journal ctl -xb" command to see what happened ,it tells me "/boot is faild to mount".how can i fix this problem? tha

[systemd-devel] systemd reboot problem

2017-03-06 Thread lin webber
I use “system("reboot")” in my C program and system does not shutdown.I think that systemd is waiting for some services to shutdown which can't shutdown immediately. But I don't want to wait for those services to shutdown.How can I shutdown my system immediately in my C program.which API should