Re: [systemd-devel] Service not run, although enabled

2023-08-31 Thread Matthijs van Duin
> # systemctl status bestcrypt-fs
● bestcrypt-fs.service - Mount Bestcrypt containers
>  Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/bestcrypt-fs.service; enabled;
> vendor preset: disabled)
>  Active: active (exited) (thawing) since Mon 2023-08-07 11:17:18 EEST;
> 20min ago
> Process: 2645396 ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/bcmount (code=exited,
> status=0/SUCCESS)
>Main PID: 2645396 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
> How come that the via "ExecStart=" given bash script does not get run?

It clearly *did* run, it says bcmount was successfully executed 20 minutes
earlier and the service has been active since then. Were you trying to
start your service again with "systemctl start" ?  Because that will do
nothing when the service is already active. You'd need to stop the service
first (which will cause bceject to be invoked), or use "systemctl restart"
which will stop the service before starting it.

Note btw that because you put "exit 0" at the end of your script it will
always claim success even if the actual mount command fails. Simply
removing the "exit 0" will fix that since then the script's exit code will
be that of the last command executed. Another fix is adding the -e flag to
#!/bin/sh which will make your script fail if any command it executes fails
instead of just ignoring failures.

Do you have a clue? I even changed "oneshot" into "simple", striked
> "RemainAfterExit", etc.

Don't do that, Type=oneshot and RemainAfterExit=true are correct for your

Type=oneshot means systemd will wait for the ExecStart program to exit when
starting the service, i.e. your service won't be considered to have started
successfully until bcmount has finished successfully. As long as bcmount is
still running your service will be considered "starting" and if it takes
too long then systemd will kill it with a timeout.

In contrast, Type=simple means systemd will start the ExecStart program
asynchronously and immediately consider the service to be active, so
starting your service will always successfully complete immediately before
bcmount has even started executing, and if bcmount fails then the service
will just go to "failed" state afterwards.

RemainAfterExit=true means that your service will continue to be considered
"active" after the ExecStart program exits successfully, which is exactly
what you want when this program is responsible for starting your service
and then exits. When RemainAfterExit=false the ExecStart program is assumed
to *be* the service, hence when it exits the service will stop (hence
ExecStop will be invoked).

Is there any way I can see the whole process verbosely?

You can enable debug logging in systemd using "systemctl log-level debug"
and turn it back off using "systemctl log-level info".


Re: [systemd-devel] Service not run, although enabled

2023-08-08 Thread Andrei Borzenkov
On Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 11:31 AM Martin Stenzel
> Your answer:
> These Wants and After are redundant, every standard service will be
> ordered after unless it also has
> DefaultDependencies=no.
> My answer/question:
> I want my service to be run DIRECTLY (at first place) AFTER the local 
> filesystems (in /etc/fstab) were mounted.

You misunderstand what the After directive does. It does not do what you want.
> >
> > This is my service file.
> >
> > --
> > [Unit]
> > Description=Mount Bestcrypt containers
> >
> >
> >
> These Wants and After are redundant, every standard service will be
> ordered after unless it also has
> DefaultDependencies=no.

Re: [systemd-devel] Service not run, although enabled

2023-08-08 Thread Martin Stenzel

Dear Andrei,

thank you very much, especially for the fast reply.

The links gave very good information, unfortunately my version of systemd (< 
250) does not support the command "systemd-creds" yet. But I found another 

I pipe the password to the program with the "echo" command. Not a good idea? 
YES, not a good idea!!!
But to solve the issue of plain text passwords in a script I compile the script 
with shc
Shc (shell script compiler) - Wikipedia

I need to do that anyway, since bestcrypt expects keyfiles, and I need to hide 
the name/location of these files.
After compiling the script neither password nor keyfile information are visible 
any longer (in the binary).

Your answer:
What makes you think so? As is clearly visible in the service status,
the ExecStart command *did* run. Whether it also did what you expected
is another question.

My answer/question:
Weird thing, after I made changes as above the script runs - successfully. 
Before I had the situation that it was NOT run.
Now I wonder, do services that do not run successfully become blacklisted 
(functionless) in any way? Difficult to explain here...

Your answer:
These Wants and After are redundant, every standard service will be
ordered after unless it also has

My answer/question:
I want my service to be run DIRECTLY (at first place) AFTER the local 
filesystems (in /etc/fstab) were mounted.


Martin Stenzel (马丁-斯坦泽尔)
An der Drehscheibe 9
50733 Köln



Fingerprint: 2BCC E851 B0ED 3FF0 5694  E729 10A0 A312 6B1F 45B8

This message was checked by ESET Endpoint Antivirus for Linux.

On Monday, 07 August, 2023 11:04 CEST, Andrei Borzenkov  
 On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 11:49 AM Martin Stenzel
> Hi list,
> I searched the _whole_ www but did not find the answer.
> I use bestcrypt  
> to mount the home directory.
> This is my service file.
> --
> [Unit]
> Description=Mount Bestcrypt containers

These Wants and After are redundant, every standard service will be
ordered after unless it also has

> [Service]
> Type=oneshot
> RemainAfterExit=true
> ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/bcmount
> ExecStop=/usr/local/sbin/bceject
> [Install]
> --
> This is the file to be run
> --
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/bin/bctool mount /mnt/sdr2/2.jbc -t ext4 /mnt/el1-2_
> exit 0
> --
> If I run "bcmount" by hand (without systemd) it asks for a password, and this 
> is very correct.
> If I want to start with "systemctl start bcmount" nothing happens, no error, 
> no execution of the program "bcmount", but as you can see:
> # systemctl status bestcrypt-fs
> ● bestcrypt-fs.service - Mount Bestcrypt containers
> Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/bestcrypt-fs.service; enabled; vendor 
> preset: disabled)
> Active: active (exited) (thawing) since Mon 2023-08-07 11:17:18 EEST; 20min 
> ago
> Process: 2645396 ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/bcmount (code=exited, 
> status=0/SUCCESS)
> Main PID: 2645396 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
> How come that the via "ExecStart=" given bash script does not get run?

What makes you think so? As is clearly visible in the service status,
the ExecStart command *did* run. Whether it also did what you expected
is another question.

> This script does not contain any errors.
> The service file does not have any syntax errors either. Permissions to 
> read/execute are verified!
> Do you have a clue?

If your program needs a password entered interactively, it cannot
request such a password using the "normal" way of reading from the
terminal. It would need to implement support for requesting the
password via password agents:

Why your program returns success status when it could not obtain the
necessary password is the question to your program.

Internet most certainly has a lot of information about it. Like

> I even changed "oneshot" into "simple", striked "RemainAfterExit", etc.
> Is there any way I can see the whole process verbosely?
> Martin.
> --

Re: [systemd-devel] Service not run, although enabled

2023-08-07 Thread Andrei Borzenkov
On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 11:49 AM Martin Stenzel
> Hi list,
> I searched the _whole_ www but did not find the answer.
> I use bestcrypt  
> to mount the home directory.
> This is my service file.
> --
> [Unit]
> Description=Mount Bestcrypt containers

These Wants and After are redundant, every standard service will be
ordered after unless it also has

> [Service]
> Type=oneshot
> RemainAfterExit=true
> ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/bcmount
> ExecStop=/usr/local/sbin/bceject
> [Install]
> --
> This is the file to be run
> --
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/bin/bctool mount /mnt/sdr2/2.jbc -t ext4 /mnt/el1-2_
> exit 0
> --
> If I run "bcmount" by hand (without systemd) it asks for a password, and this 
> is very correct.
> If I want to start with "systemctl start bcmount" nothing happens, no error, 
> no execution of the program "bcmount", but as you can see:
> # systemctl status bestcrypt-fs
> ● bestcrypt-fs.service - Mount Bestcrypt containers
>  Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/bestcrypt-fs.service; enabled; 
> vendor preset: disabled)
>  Active: active (exited) (thawing) since Mon 2023-08-07 11:17:18 EEST; 
> 20min ago
> Process: 2645396 ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/bcmount (code=exited, 
> status=0/SUCCESS)
>Main PID: 2645396 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
> How come that the via "ExecStart=" given bash script does not get run?

What makes you think so? As is clearly visible in the service status,
the ExecStart command *did* run. Whether it also did what you expected
is another question.

> This script does not contain any errors.
> The service file does not have any syntax errors either. Permissions to 
> read/execute are verified!
> Do you have a clue?

If your program needs a password entered interactively, it cannot
request such a password using the "normal" way of reading from the
terminal. It would need to implement support for requesting the
password via password agents:

Why your program returns success status when it could not obtain the
necessary password is the question to your program.

Internet most certainly has a lot of information about it. Like

> I even changed "oneshot" into "simple", striked "RemainAfterExit", etc.
> Is there any way I can see the whole process verbosely?
> Martin.
> --
> Martin Stenzel (马丁-斯坦泽尔)
> An der Drehscheibe 9
> 50733 Köln
> Deutschland
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> =qQIl
> Fingerprint: 2BCC E851 B0ED 3FF0 5694  E729 10A0 A312 6B1F 45B8
> This message was checked by ESET Endpoint Antivirus for Linux.