On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 12:55:37 -0700, R.T. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've submitted the following article to National Masters News.  I welcome your 

Certainly.  If you're going to test at all, you cannot allow exemptions, unless
the test can be 'tweaked' to allow for the exact amount of additional testosterone
which is known to be present in the prescribed medical dosage, and I mean E-X-A-C-T.
If the test cannot be 'tweaked' in an exact manner, then no exemption.  Sorry,
that's life.  Find another recreational activity, or start your own federation.
Besides adjusting the test for the one athlete, there is one other possible thing
that would have to be done.  Utilize a study to figure out just how much
performance aid is given by the supposedly 'miniscule' amount of testosterone.
Then adjust all of that athlete's performances by that amount (a 'handicap').

All of that too complicated?
Then you have two choices:

1. No exemptions.  If your medical condition won't allow you to pass muster,
find another hobby.

2. Get rid of ALL testing.  And welcome all the cheaters with open arms.
Lose the 50-60% who don't want to compete honestly at a disadvantage.
The world community will also ignore all WAVA records as being the product
of likely doping.

Now you have the other side of the argument, which you will of course
include in your article to maintain a balanced journalistic presentation :-)


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