
        While waiting for a hot chocolate at the end of the Northeast
Regionals Saturday at Van Cortlandt Park, I had an interesting conversation
with the most remarkble (not the best,but certainly the most remarakble)
college weight thrower in the country.

        Lauren primerano, who will be closing out her career at Manhattan
College this year, fit right into the picture at van Cortlandt that day. She
looks like a cross-country runner and looks youing enough to have been a
competitor in the meet. But she is something else again, a multiple
conference champion in the weight last sporing and looking to bigger thins
this year

        She told me that she had recently thrown the hammer 172 feet in the
fall competition, not a bad throw for anyone, but something really special
for a girl who weight 124 pounds. She said that her goal this year is 190
feet and she also hopes to get the javelin---her primary event in HS--close
to the 180 foot mark.

        Lauren plans to go into coaching after finbishing her college
career, first at her alma mater. But any college (or high school) looking
for a dedicated young woman with an obvious mastery of her event, could not
do better than to contact here. (She didn't ask me to post this, but I know
there are always schools looking for weight coaches and thought I would pass
this along for the benefit of everyone concerned.)

                                                    Ed Grant

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