Contact:        Jill M. Geer
                USATF Director of Communications
                In Kansas City: 816-283-4420
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thursday, December 5, 2002

2002 Annual Meeting officially begins with Opening Session

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – USA Track & Field President Bill Roe officially opened
the 2002 USATF Annual Meeting Thursday morning in Kansas City by honoring
the sport’s top contributors, while CEO Craig Masback recounted the
successes of 2002 and looked to the future. Celebrating a theme of “These
are the Days … To Remember,” the Annual Meeting’s Opening Session was
attended by nearly 800 delegates.

Roe welcomed the delegates to the meeting in his opening remarks. “I declare
open our 24th USA Track & Field Annual Meeting,” he said. “Kansas City has
rolled out the red carpet for USTAF to create some special memories for you,
and we thank the city, as well as the Missouri Valley Association, for all
of their hospitality.”

Roe himself rolled out the red carpet for 12 President’s Award winners,
given annually by the current USTAF president to USATF figures who have made
notable contributions to the organization and the sport.

The 2002 President’s Award winners are: Long Distance Running Committee
chair Jerry Crockett; former Officials’ Committee interim chair Finn Hansen;
outgoing Athletes Advisory Committee Chair and two-time Olympian PattiSue
Plummer; new Rules Committee Chair John Blackburn; Masters Committee Chair
George Mathews; Associations Chair Alan Roth; USOC Athlete Representatives
and Olympians Sandra Farmer-Patrick and Andrew Valmon; two-time Olympic gold
medalist and athlete activist Gail Devers; strategic advisor David Morey;
Mountain/Ultra/Trail Committee Chair and World Mountain Running Association
treasurer Nancy Hobbs; and Penn Relays Director and track & field historian
Dave Johnson.

“The entire Annual Meeting is all about honoring the past, paying tribute to
the present and celebrating the opportunities lying ahead in the future,”
said Masback, who turned to a more somber note, noting the deaths of the
sport’s high-profile athletes such as Willie Davenport, Bob Hayes and Kim
Gallagher, as well as the deaths of contributors such as Owen Jensen. “All
of us have been particularly touched this year,” he said. “We lost too many
people and so many people close to all of us. Many of those who passed this
year were track and field pioneers, innovators who created opportunities for
others and who made it possible for USA Track & Field to be where we are

In his sixth State of the Sport address as USATF CEO, Masback marked the
organization’s successes of the previous year. USATF revenues exceeded
expenditures for the fourth straight year, as the USATF debt continued to
shrink. Membership has increased 20 percent since 2000, the 2002
Associations Workshop was the best ever, in terms of both attendance and
content, as member benefits increased.

Masback also noted the on-track successes of American athletes, including
Tim Montgomery’s 100m world record, Khalid Khannouchi’s marathon world best
and Marion Jones’ undefeated season, adding that the United States has won
the right to host the 2006 IAAF World Cup. Stipends for coaches have
increased, and USATF has established its first high-performance training
center, in San Diego, under the leadership of Brooks Johnson.

In turning toward the future, Masback referenced USATF’s newly adopted
Strategic Plan. Developed by the USATF Board of Directors with assistance
from the National Headquarters staff, and presented at the Opening Session
by Bob Bowman, the Strategic Plan emphasizes four key initiatives: to build
the USATF brand by promoting the sport and its stars; to identify and
support the stars of the future; to promote excellence in coaching; to grow
USTF resources; to promote youth fitness and physical education; and to
continue USATF’s position of leadership in the fight against drugs in sport.

Missouri Valley Association President Shawn Love also recognized his
Association’s membership chair, Tom Turk, with a special award for his
longtime service and dedication to the sport of track & field, particularly
as an official.

For more information on the 2002 USATF Annual Meeting, visit the USTAF Web

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