Greetings, all:

All four candidates for USATF Masters T&F Committee chairman have responded 
to my e-mail questionnaire and all four interviews are now posted at:

The last two are from George Mathews and Scott Thornsley.  Earlier, I posted 
interviews from Doug Schneebeck and John Cosgrove.  All four responded with 
thoughtful answers.

This online candidates forum is a first for masters track, and I'm happy it's 
gotten 100 percent participation.  But even more important is the involvement 
of delegate voters at the Albuquerque USATF convention and attention of 
masters athletes throughout the United States.  Please share the interview 
page URL with your friends at the track and online.

And don't be shy about contacting any of the candidates with your own 

Thanks for your interest!

Ken Stone

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