Anyone know if she is going to run in the relays for Jamaica?

Ed Grant wrote:

 Netters:        The NBC coverage of the relay trials had so many glitches it would be hard to know where to start. Bad camera angles were one (showing the passes head-on in the 4x400 relay, e.g.). But the omissions were the  worst.        Why not show the full heat where Great Britain blew the baton. Why not show the Jamaican teams in the 4 x 100---they have a huge following here on the East Coast. And why hold back the women's 4 x 400 (unless there was no first round, which could have been cited if true,m which it was not).         And of course, there was no mention during the two-hour telecast the the "drive for five" was over. (I discovered that by pure accident while trying to find one of last night NJ HS football scores on a local paper's web site. Granted, we did not here that phrase once during the telecast, even during the promos, so we got tipped off by omission, I guess.     I would say the US men;s 4x100 team will have to mess up badly not to win, while the women could be in real trouble. Jones will cut the qualifying time quite a bit, but the Bahamas didn't use Ferguson and, without going into a site which will reveal 2nd round results (and maybe even if going into one) I have no idea what the Jamaicans did.     The men's 4x400 is, of course, a lock unless something bad happens. It was a nice touch having the Harrisons hand oif to each other.                                                                        Ed Grant

Dalton Foster Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Department of Medical Physiology
Texas A&M University HSC
(409) 845-7990

Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind. (Albert Einstein)

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