Greetings, all

I've learned that only one elective office will be contested at the Brisbane 
General Assembly -- the biennial meeting of voting delegates during the World 
Veterans Athletic Championships in July. So far, the only race is for vice 
president (stadia) between incumbent Jim Blair of New Zealand and WAVA Web 
site webmaster Rex Harvey of the United States. (Rex also holds a regional 
WAVA post, some committee assignments as well as positions in USATF Masters.) 

This means that WAVA President Torsten Carlius, Executive Vice-President Tom 
Jordan, General Secretary Monty Hacker, Vice President (Non-Stadia) Ron Bell, 
Treasurer Giuseppe Galfetti and women's representative Bridget Cushen are 
going unopposed in an organization nominally devoted to robust competition.

This must mean that everything's hunky-dory in Mastersland.  Or maybe not.  
Perhaps word hasn't circulated far enough that WAVA's election will be more 
of a coronation. But time is short for any would-be candidates.

Under WAVA rules, nominations for Council candidates have to be in the hands 
of the WAVA secretary at least 90 days before the General Assembly, which 
this year appears to be July 11, 2001 -- a rest day in the WAVA meet program. 
(Nominations from the floor are technically possible, but they appear to be 
at the discretion of the presiding officer.)

This means that the deadline for anyone wanting to run for WAVA office at 
Brisbane is April 14 -- about 10 days from now. Elections are held every four 
years, and no officer can hold the same office for more than two terms. Any 
affiliate of WAVA can submit a nomination for office. (An affiliate is a 
national governing body -- USATF in the case of America.)

WAVA shouldn't be an IAAF-like oligarchy, but without some competitive races, 
it appears the Old Boys Club continues to rule WAVAland.

I'm not saying any of the current crop of officers has done a poor job 
(although I have my doubts on certain issues), but the legitimacy of an 
organization is proportional to its willingness to foster debate and 
encourage new blood.

Right now, I see little of this in WAVA.

Also, FYI:

WAVA webmaster Harvey has just posted the minutes of the September 2000 
meeting of the WAVA Stadia Committee -- the group in charge of the nuts and 
bolts of the world vets meet in Brisbane.  These minutes are posted at:


And they are QUITE revealing.  Sprinters,  jumpers and throwers all have 
something to chew on.  Please review these minutes and keep yourself informed 
on what WAVA is doing for and to masters athletes.  It's the governing body 
of OUR sport. Might as well know what it's up to.

Ken Stone

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