Hi all,

some time went on and finally I took chance to publish my just done
file-system benchmarks in a pretty printed form as T2 magaZine
article #1:


If you fell like writing about other decent matters please let us
know! Contributing articles are very much welcome.

Have fun and a nice sunday,

On Tuesday 09 October 2007 14:07:04 René Rebe wrote:
> Hi all - again,
> all the latest homepage work, and related PR and trade show
> activities lead to a sharp increase in unique visitors per day
> on our T2 website (about 50% over the last 3 months alone!).
> We'd like further underline this trend and provide better
> documentation by starting a T2 online magazine, like this
> not yet pulically linked microsite skeleton:
>   http://www.t2-project.org/zine/
> The idea is to have T2 contributors report about latest
> T2 SDE or other open source developments, technical
> articles about how-to setup and/or tune varius open-source
> components. etc. ...
> The currently visible nodes are topics people at ExactCODE
> will probably write over the next weeks, any idea and
> contributions are welcome.
> Maybe we should also start printing t-shirts and mugs or so
> and honor T2 magazine contributions with a free t-shirt or
> mug.

  René Rebe - ExactCODE GmbH - Europe, Germany, Berlin
  http://exactcode.de | http://t2-project.org | http://rene.rebe.name

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