>Here's one option:  http://osm.org/go/euu1t7NMP--
>The dual carriageway (Shenley Road) is brought to a point (node) at
>the intersection.

Even if it's currently "the only way", it should be 
noted that it has the unfortunate effect of 
mangling the geometry; there's no slight-right turn 
followed by a slight-left turn when driving straight

Just that whenever such cases are used as an
example, new editors easily pick the method as
an example for any intersection of dual 
carriageway roads, and start bringing the 
carriageways to a single point at any normal
large intersection. Takes anything from a few 
weeks to some months before there's the
first wiki dispute on what was the intent of 
said example, or how the regular, long ago 
written examples are "wrong".


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