
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 08:40:53PM +0000, Janko Mihelić wrote:
> We steered far from the original question.

Its kind of interdependent ...

> What if we mapped intersections as areas, and then map lanes inside them
> and tag them with something like highway=intersection_lane?

But that even more overloads the highway road class/type.

Id rather stay with tagging the road on the intersection with the
road class of the through road and then (as the link types) tag them like


A Motorway ramp would be like link=ramp highway=motorway. A road
passing/cutting traffic light could be link=cut or something.

> There was a simmilar proposal some time ago:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Lanes_and_complex_intersections_visual_approach

I dont really care on visual representation - I think this is a
completely different problem. I am more concerned about routing
and more especially on hinting the Text to Speech engines. We want
precise and few instructions. 

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
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