Dear all,

The proposal for aquatics centre has been rejected:

The proposal received 17 approving votes, and 28 opposing votes (38%
support). I would like to thank everybody for voting.

From the comments, it follows that there is strong support for the tag
combination leisure=sports_centre + sport=swimming to map such
features. I have therefore taken the liberty to document this tagging
combination explicitly on the wiki:

I also opened a couple of requests at various OSM projects:
* I asked iD to render leisure=swimming_pool with a blue rather than a
white outline, call leisure=swimming_pool something like 'Swimming
pool (water area only)', and add a searchable preset 'Swimming pool
(facility)' or 'Swimming pool (sports centre)' or something of the
sort for the tag combination leisure=sports_centre, sport=swimming
* I asked JOSM to call leisure=swimming_pool something like 'Swimming
pool (water area only)', and add a preset 'Swimming pool (facility)'
or 'Swimming pool (sports centre)' or something of the sort for the
tag combination leisure=sports_centre, sport=swimming (see
* The project opentreetmap-carto was asked to add support for the tag
combination leisure=sports_centre, sport=swimming

Of course it is up to decide to these projects what to do with these requests.

In any case, I would like to ask mappers to make sure that
leisure=swimming_pool (Overpass Turbo:
is only used to mark water areas. The entire facility should marked as
either leisure=water_park or leisure=sports_centre + sport=swimming.

-- Matthijs

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