Copied from
May 8 18:43:00 UTC 2019, Paul Allen:

Only one person (that we know of) wants the new scheme. Others, like myself, haven't mapped a toll, may never map a toll, and comment on the proposal in order to try to improve it even though they may never use it. Because we all benefit from a rational mapping scheme and all suffer from a badly-conceived one.

Question: which of those people should be prepared to do the most work by dealing with a method of communication they do not prefer? Those who didn't see a need for the change in the first place or the person wanting the change?

I don't know anybody who is specialised in mapping toll. If there is, the person is very much invited to join the conversation. I think the mailing list only knows of one person because that one is actually that one who bothered to share the discussion on the mailing list. All ideas are welcome and should be shared.
However, if OSM suffers map detail that other routing tools already provide, OSM will fall behind in map quality. The place of discussion should not effect the map's quality.
--TBKMrt (talk) 13:18, 11 August 2019 (UTC)
If you want you can reply here or on the talk page directly. If you decide to reply here bare with me, I will move it as soon as possible.
Just a small note at the end: Personally I am only interested in on topic discussion if you want to discuss anything off topic please use the mail or usertalk page of that user. Thank you for your understanding and your contributions!
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