On Mon, 25 May 2020 at 09:29, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
<tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>> Is meaning of psv=* territory dependent? I don't get that impression
>> from the wiki, and was under the impression it was to include taxis
>> worldwide. Please tell me if I had that wrong.
> I though that the point of that tag was that it follows local legislation.
> So if I have signs "public services vehicles are allowed" or
> "pojazdy transportu bublicznego" and government will change
> what counts as "public service vehicle"
>  (fox example - minimum number of seats / includes excludes horse-drawn
> carriages, excludes taxi vehicles that are not passing pollution 
> requirements...)
> there is no need to retweak bizarrely complicated conditional restrictions.

Could we change the wiki then? Because that's now how I interpret the
indented list on https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access, where
taxi is under psv, and while bus has a disclaimer "acting as a public
service vehicle", taxi has no such disclaimer.

https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:psv is also IMO unclear
whether or not it includes taxi - up top it says "vehicles used in a
passenger service (no matter how many seating positions they might
have)" and taxi below - with no mention of local laws. Only in the
"See also" section it includes taxi again saying "taxi, which may or
may not be considered public service vehicles depending on location"

I ask because in my local jurisdiction, unlike in the UK, public
transit bus exceptions do not usually apply to taxis, and based on my
understanding of the wiki pages I've been changing psv to bus in those
cases when I see it. Which is correct?


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