On 30/04/2020 16:29, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> wetland area within a forest where trees are growing also within the wetland 

That’s a “swamp”: natural=wetland + wetland=swamp


... or it might be seasonal or intermittent, depending on the weather.

There are always going to be edge cases that aren't easy to categorise.  There's an area just up the road from where I am currently that started out as https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/13866095 in 2007 and has been continuously refined ever since.  The main area's mapped as natural=heath now (and that's probably as good a bet as any for what "most of it" is), but there are areas that are wetter than others and areas that are drier; and areas with more trees and areas with fewer trees.  There are some permanent ponds but many more "it'll only be wet here N months of the year", where N might be anything between 2 and 11.

Any attempt to draw lines between "wood", "wetland" and "water" is a compromise, and to me it's perfectly understandably to sometimes have those overlapping (though in the example above it is something I've tried to avoid).

Best Regards,


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