
Today I removed the last configuration setting needed at compile time
for the tagstats binary. Tagstats does all the counting on the planet
file and a lot more. It generates the map images and to save RAM it only
uses 2 (by default) or 4 bytes per location instead of the 8 usually
needed for an OSM location. This was configured using the
tagstats.geodistribution_int setting read at compile time. This is now
not necessary any more. The setting will be derived at runtime from the
geodistribution.width and height settings.

I have tested this with the planet file (which uses the default setting
of 2 bytes) but not for extracts (which often use 4 bytes, because they
have less data anyway, so using those 4 bytes is not a problem). Would
be great of somebody can test this in their setup and tell us here
whether it worked, before I recommend this version for general use.

Imre: This should make your job much easier. You can just use the same
tagstats binary for all docker images.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  https://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-351-31778688

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