Using Java variables in Xtags select

2006-09-28 Thread Ashish Srivastava
Hi, I am using xtags library in a JSP and am having trouble using Java variables while selecting XML nodes. The XML to be parsed is: xtags:parse id=parsed parent id=1 child id=c1 class grade=art/ class grade=science/ /child child ... /child /parent /xtags:parse

Re: Using Java variables in Xtags select

2006-09-28 Thread Rashmi Rubdi
Have you set up JSTL? If you use the latest version JSTL1.1 core tags you can do this: c:set var=child_id value=someValue/ xtags:forEach context=%=parsed% select=//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/class ... /xtags:forEach Here are some JSTL installation instructions: