I had the same problem last week. For whatever reason (The JSP policy on
whitespace) I couldn't set a variable to "\n" but I could create one
using the following hack:

<c:set var="temp" value="one
<c:set var="newline" value="${fn:substring(temp,4,5)}"/>

(Note that on my windows computer temp="one\r\ntwo" so that the 5th
character is the newline character)

Then you should be able to split the string using this new variable,

<c:forEach items='${fn:split(feed, newline)}' var="row">
    <c:out value="${row}"/>


-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Digby
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:24 AM
To: taglibs-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: jstl and splitting carriage returns

Hi again,

Anyone know if it's possible to do an fn:split on carriage returns (\n).

I just get invalid expression error messages with:

         <c:forEach items='${fn:split(feed, "\n")}' var="row">
             <c:out value="${row}"/>


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