Dear friends of JSTL

I'm new to JSTL and looking for some ideas how to maintain collections with
JSTL and EL.

I have a bean with a List and a Map type property like this:

        public class TestBean  {        
                private List list = new ArrayList();
                private Map map = new HashMap();
                public TestBean () {
                        list.add("initial value 1");
                        list.add("initial value 2");
                        map.put ("simple value","the initial simple value");
                        map.put ("listvalue", list );
                public List getList() {
                        return list;
                public Map getMap() {
                        return map;

Getting the values from my collections is easy and elegant:

        <c:forEach var="litem" items="${testbean.listitems}" >
          <c:out value="${litem}"/><br/>

        <c:forEach var="mitem" items="${}" >
          <c:out value="${mitem.key}"/> = <c:out

But how to add a new items to the collections? I tried this

        <c:set target="${testbean}" property="list" value="${myvalue}"/>

But this bean method 

        public void setList( String value ) {
                list.add ( value );

does not work because it does not meet the parameter expectations ( List vs.
String ) for beans.
I know that I can write more setZZZ() methods to add something to the List
but it breaks somehow the naming conventions for beans (getXxx, setXxx). And
how to add a new entry to the map? 

Thanks in advance

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