Newbie checkbox question

2002-03-15 Thread Michael Buenaventura

Hi, I'm putting logic when I change my checkbox's state.
I have a checkbox that when it's check it will provide an extra field to
show and hides it if it's not check.

I have a sent property that has get() and set() with my form:

html:checkbox  property=sent onchange=submitEvent('checkSend') /

bean:parameter id=forDateSend name=sent/
logic:equal name=forDateSend value=true
Shows a date field

my onchange=submitEvent(checkSend') fires this method in my ActionForm that
returns back to that screen.
public void checkSend(StrutsContext _context)
 setForward(_context, GoBack);

Am I doing it wrong? What's the best way to accomplish this. Thanks a lot.

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loading a singleton class in jsp

2002-02-20 Thread Michael Buenaventura

Hi, I'm using struts framework and I was trying to load a singleton class
that will hold my dropdown list of state in my jsp.
jsp:useBean id=StateLookup scope=session
StateLookup is a singleton class.

I'm using the jsp:useBean so that I can use these struts tag lib
html:select property=state tabindex =key  html:option
bean:define id=stateID name=StateLookup property=stateList /
html:options collection=stateID property=key labelProperty=value/

Am I doing it the wrong way? Your input will be greatly appreciated.


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