Counter using Struts Taglibs

2003-02-06 Thread Vinay
Hi All,
How can I define counters using Struts EL tag libraries for printing purposes in 
JSP pages

Here is an example

table border=1
 c:forEach var=transid items=${trans.transactions}
  tdc:out value=${transid.acctno}//td
  tdc:out value=${transid.testcode}//td

if($transid.testcode==ts  ) tscount=tscount+1;   

  tdc:out value=${transid.srcfac}//td
   tdc:out value=${transid.dateofservice}//td
   tdc:out value=${transid.htkey}//td


In the above code i would like to print the total and number of iterations the for 
loop performed.

I would also like to do some condition to inside the for loop to print another 
specific counter

if($transid.testcode==ts  ) tscount=tscount+1;   

I am novice and  have recently started using these tag libraries.Is there a link or 
web site which has tutorials on how to use the tag libraries.

Any help appreciated



Re: Counter using Struts Taglibs

2003-02-06 Thread Shawn Bayern
On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Vinay wrote:

 Hi All,
 How can I define counters using Struts EL tag libraries for
 printing purposes in JSP pages

It looks like you're really asking about JSTL tags, not Struts.

You can use c:set to increment a variable, as in

 c:set var=counter scope=session value=${counter + 1} /

 I am novice and have recently started using these tag libraries.Is
 there a link or web site which has tutorials on how to use the tag

The JSTL specification is available at
If that's too technical for you at the moment, there are also several
books on JSTL; more info on mine is available at the URL below.

Shawn Bayern
JSTL in Action

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