On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, De Ridder, Bavo wrote:

> If I look at the xtags library, I think to understand that the xml can
> come from either a local file, url or the body of the <parse> tag.
> What if I use struts and the XML document is stored in a scope
> (request)? How can I do this with xtags? My current solution would be
> to patch the parse tag.

If you use JSTL instead of XTags (which indeed influenced the design of
JSTL's XML-manipulation tags), you can retrieve a document from the
request scope using the expression language.  For instance, if the
document is stored as a string of XML text, you could write

  <x:parse var="parsed" xmlText="${request.myXmlDocument}"/>

If the data is stored as a DOM, you can jump right in and point to the
document directly.  E.g., --

 <x:out value="$request:myXmlDocument/root//child[2]"/>

JSTL is available from the same jakarta.apache.org/taglibs site as XTags.

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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