Hello sir,

Sorry, I have no idea why files in the /web-inf folder can be deleted
automaticly.  Are you deploying you JSP application before trying it?  Maybe
it have something to do with the deployment system.  I never use such system
in the past, I always work from a local filesystem and edit the using a
simple text editor.  If you are using a IDE like Eclipse, maybe the fault is

Good luck!

Sébastien Brodeur
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/brodseba
Site : http://www.un-programmeur-php.ca/
Blog : http://un-photographe-amateur.blogspot.com/
Blog : http://un-analyste-web.blogspot.com/
Blog : http://un-programmeur-php.blogspot.com/

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:53 AM, rama krishnan <igra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Respected sir,
>              i am P Rama Krishnan from india. i am using tomcat version
> 5.5.0. developing one application using jsp and servlet technology. problem
> is when i am using tomcat version 5.5.0, some folder like action web-inf
> and
> some time jsp files are deleted withour any message. when i am checking
> that
> folder itself deleted permantely from the tomcat.  please help me to come
> out of this problem. you know solution for this problem. but i am using
> antivir antivirus to scan full pc for ensure no virus in the PC. please
> help
> what is the reason for automatic deletion of folder in tomcat directory. i
> am always grateful to you.
> regards
> P Rama krishnan
> Tamil nadu
> India

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