
Here are a few highlights about what we did in May, among many other things:


We implemented many improvements to the Tor Connection assistant. This makes is much easier for people in Asia to circumvent censorship. For details, see the Tails 5.1 release notes [1].

We wrote a new homepage for the _Unsafe Browser_ when you are not connected to the Tor network yet. This new version makes it easier to understand how to sign in to the network using a captive portal.

We started organized training and usability tests sessions for August in Brazil.

Tails 5.0 was released on May 3 [2]. It was the first version of Tails based on Debian 11 (Bullseye) and brought new versions of a lot of the software included in Tails and new OpenPGP tools.

We started evaluating Mirrorbits to manage our download mirror pool. On top of decreasing the required maintenance work, this should make downloads of Tails faster and more reliable.

Tails has been started more than 769 997 times this month. This makes 24 838 boots a day on average.


[1] https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.1/index.en.html
[2] https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.0/index.en.html
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