
Mouse Fingerprinting, Keyboard Fingerprinting, Device Fingerprinting (Active 
collection modes, using hidden channel in the legit TCP/IP trafic going through 
TOR) are specialities that have NO SOLUTION with "software only » approaches.
These problems cannot be solved by software only. The can be fixed definitely 
through 100% Free Integrated Circuits based computers that solve these issue 
through hardware changes.

To me, any attempt to « solve » these issues by software can only be a fraud.

I’m open to debate.

Le 17 mars 2016 à 18:31, ban...@openmailbox.org a écrit :

> == Attack Description ==
> Keystroke fingerprinting works by measuring how long keys are pressed and the 
> time between presses. Its very high accuracy poses a serious threat to 
> anonymous users.[1]
> This tracking technology has been deployed by major advertisers (Google, 
> Facebook), banks and massive online courses. Its also happening at a massive 
> scale because just using a JS application (or SSH in interactive mode) in 
> presence of a network adversary that records all traffic allows them to 
> construct biometric models for virtually everyone (think Google suggestions) 
> even if the website does not record these biometric stats itself.[2] They 
> have this data from everyone's clearnet browsing and by comparing this to 
> data exiting the Tor network they will unmask users.
> == Current Measures and Threat Model ==
> While the Tor Browser team is aware of the problem and working on a solution, 
> current measures [6] are not enough. [4][5]
> Security distros are designed to protect the user even if an end user 
> application is compromised and provide desfense in depth.
> The goal is to protect users even in the event of an attacker taking over an 
> application running ina VM/Container.
> This is valid for systems running in VMs or on bare metal.
> == Existing Work on Countermeasures ==
> As a countermeasure security researcher Paul Moore created a prototype Chrome 
> plugin known as KeyboardPrivacy. It works by caching keystrokes and 
> introducing a random delay before passing them on to a webpage.[3] 
> Unfortunately there is no source code available for the add-on and the 
> planned Firefox version has not surfaced so far. There are hints that the 
> author wants to create a closed hardware soltuion that implements this which 
> does not help our cause.
> == Proposal for a System-wide Solution ==
> A very much needed project would be to write a program that mimics the 
> functionality of the this add-on but on the display server / OS level. 
> Ideally the solution would be compatible with Wayland for the upcoming 
> transition in the near future.
> [1] 
> http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/07/how-the-way-you-type-can-shatter-anonymity-even-on-tor/
> [2] http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=7358795
> [3] https://archive.is/vCvWb
> [4] 
> https://www.lightbluetouchpaper.org/2015/07/30/double-bill-password-hashing-competition-keyboardprivacy/#comment-1288166
> [5] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16110
> [6] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1517
> ***
> This feature request has been mirrored on each project's bugtrackers 
> respectively:
> https://github.com/subgraph/subgraph-os-issues/issues/103
> https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/11257
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1850
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