
tl;dr: if Tails makes it too easy to use Meek bridges, could it overload the 
current set of Meek bridges?

First some background: during startup Tails can be told to start Tor Launcher 
so users can e.g. configure any bridges they want. So far we have not provided 
any pre-configured bridges, i.e. the only option has been to manually enter the 
bridge information you have obtained yourself.

In Tails' threat model it is assumed that adversaries monitor the default 
bridges provided by the Tor Browser, and that our users want to avoid detection 
of that, so we are not interested in adding the default bridges to Tails, but 
we are interested in adding support for Meek [1] (at least because it's the 
only PT that works in China), since our understanding is that it adds enough 
plausible deniability to avoid the above problem. So, in summary, Tails would 
like to provide two options in its (patched) Tor Launcher, Meek or manually 
providing the bridge info. [2]

However, we wonder if the combination of not providing the default bridges 
while making Meek available could overwhelm the Meek bridges; we expect some 
significant amount of Tails bridge users to select the Meek option over manual 
entry simply out of convenience.

Let's do some back-of-the-envelope estimations to see what we can expect:

(Assumption: Tor Browser users and Tails users are very similar, e.g. similar 
ratios want to use each PT, similar requirements for "convenience over 
security", and so on.)

Looking at your metrics, there are 1000k daily Tor Browser users [3], overall 
bridge/PT usage is 50k [4], Meek usage is around 10k [5], so 5% of Tor Browser 
users use bridges/PTs, and 1% use Meek. On the Tails side, we measure around 
30k daily users (from update pings).

>From what I said above, I don't think we can expect only 1% of the Tails users 
>to pick Meek; I would expect it to be closer to the 1% of Meek users plus the 
>x% of default bridge users, but I couldn't find stats for that in your 
>metrics. Still, we know that it cannot be more than the percentage of all 
>bridge/PT users, so we know that 1% + x% <= 5%. So, let's just assume the 
>worst case, that 5% of Tails users will use Meek, and we have that we expect 
>5% of 30k = 1.5k additional Meek users.

Also, if we consider places where Meek is the only options, Tails probably has 
close to zero users there, but once Meek is supported it could grow. I guess 
China is the only such place (?), so with its 1250 Meek users in China [6] we 
can expect 1250 * 30k/1000k = 34 new Tails users using Meek. Basically a 
negligible amount. Even if we consider all Meek users, 10k * 30k/1000k = 300 
doesn't change much.

So, all-in-all, we can expect Tails to bring up to 1.5k + 300 = 1.8k new Meek 
users, but since those are upper-bound estimations it would probably be much 
lower. Looking on Meek usage over time, it seems to fluctuate way more than 
that, e.g. during the summer of 2019 it was up to over 25k, i.e. more than 
three times what it is now. So I guess we don't have to worry about shocking 
the Meek bridges?

OTOH, a possible side-effect is that this change in Tails increases usage of 
Meek outside of China. Perhaps whoever pays the bills for the Meek instances 
don't want this?

Please advice! Also, please let us know if there is something else we haven't 
thought of!


[1] https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/8243
[2] If you are really interested you can check out our PoC/WIP here: 
[3] https://metrics.torproject.org/webstats-tb.html
[4] https://metrics.torproject.org/userstats-bridge-transport.html
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