Last year I already tried to make tails-greeter to work with (Jessie - 1) and I sent you an email.

Later on I talked to intrigeri on Debconf15 and he gave me some advice on how I was supposed to do this.

  Anyways I'll try to summarize it:

A. I develop Rescatux ( and I need something at boot so that the final user can select a keyboard in a gui so that it gets setup and can be used. B. tails-greeter among other things let the user choose a keyboard and setups it.
C. tails-greeter cannot easily be ported out of Tails.

So, what I have been trying to do is to tweak minimally tails-greeter so that it meets my needs. The final purpose of these tweaks is to convince you that some of them are useful for tails-greeter so that you include into its upstream code.

My tweaks are not perfect and thus there are some doubts which I need to clarify with you. Let's start.

1. tails-greeter Rescatux branch

The branch can be found here:

2. Configuration files for enabling / disabling features. (Python)

When I talked to Intrigeri he pointed me to:
which used in turn which was loaded from different places.

As I have noticed that tails-greeter now has I have just modified it as you can see in: .

So I have added these boolean variables:

* tails_persistence_support
* tails_show_welcome_message

which are self explanatory.

2.1. Are those names correct or do you prefer them to be written in another way? Or with another name? 2.2. I guess I should add more Tails specific features such as the one about physical security. 2.3. I personally only use the Keyboard feature. Do you think there are other options which could be useful for Debian by default?

3. user user instead of amnesia user .
Debian Live default user is 'user', not 'amnesia'.
So that's a clear setting that should be set by Tails.

4. Configuration files for enabling / disabling features. (Bash)

4.1. One important part of tails-greeter is the PostLogin script from gdm3 which it's written in bash.

4.2. So as I was advised by intrigeri I rewrote the different tasks into functions. I modified the code so that these functions were run conditioned to some boolean variables.

4.3. I finally changed their values so that by default only localization task was run.

4.4. I guess you would want another bash file to be sourced if someone wants to config / modify it to suit their needs. But which filename path exactly?

5. Apart from the tails-greeter branch with my changes, the fact that tails-greeter was changed from (Jessie - 1) to Jessie I also had to modify some files from the Debian Live project itself.


5.2. And add some new packages:

which increase the CD size by 60 or 70 MB.

(This is more a Rescatux question than focusing to try to 'port' tails-greeter into Debian)

Do you know by any chance if there are any specific packages asked by tails-greeter dependencies which might not be needed if you only want localisation support ?

5.3. You seem to define metacity as compulsory. Why do we need a window manager if there are no windows involved? I mean... I don't see a bar above them to be able to move them.

Maybe what I am trying to ask you is:

Can I use another window manager such as the default one that comes in Rescatux / LXDE instead of metacity? Or is there anything specific on gdm3 or tails-greeter that needs that specific metacity window manager ?

Well, hopefully, I have not forgotten anything.

Waiting for your feedback.

Thank you.

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