[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Ciclo de Autodefensa Digital no Brasil

2022-02-15 Thread Tails - News
Esse e um chamado aberto feito pelo Projeto Tor, Tails e Guardian Project para
todos e todas as defensoras de direitos humanos, jornalistas, ativistas,
feministas, defensoras de territorio, etc.

Em meio a crescente ameaça a nossa segurança e liberdade digital no Brasil,
sabemos que e cada vez mais importante compartilhar taticas contra a
vigilancia, para a nossa autodefesa digital, escutar e empoderar as pessoas
que lutam pela mudança social.

**Inscreva-se at e 28 de fevereiro!**

Por favor, compartilhe esse chamado com todas as pessoas que possam se
interessar :)


# Se quiser aprender mais sobre autodefesa digital

Estamos organizando algumas oficinas online em março e em abril:

  * **[Tor Browser](https://torproject.org/)** : Como navegar na Internet de 
maneira anonima e sem censura (para computadores).

  * **[Tor Browser Android](https://torproject.org/)** e **[Onion 
Browser](https://onionbrowser.com/)** : Como navegar na Internet de maneira 
anonima e sem censura (para celulares).

  * **[Orbot](https://guardianproject.info/apps/org.torproject.android/)** : 
Aumente a sua privacidade quando usa as aplicaçoes do seu celular.

  * **[Tails](https://tails.boum.org/)** : seu computador seguro em qualquer 

As oficinas sao gratuitas, mas as vagas sao limitadas. Para participar,
preencha o seguinte formulario:

Voce podera participar das oficinas de forma anonima e nao havera gravaçao.

# Se quiser compartilhar a sua experiencia conosco para melhorar as nossas

Estamos interessadas em aprender como melhorar nossas ferramentas para que
sejam mais uteis para o seu trabalho e suas lutas no Brasil.

Organizaremos entrevistas, testes de usabilidade, questionarios e outras
atividades para aprender sobre os problemas que encontram nossas usuarias no

Se quiser falar com a gente sobre o seu uso do Navegador Tor, Orbot, Onion
Browser ou Tails, por favor preencha o formulario abaixo:

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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.27 is out

2022-02-15 Thread Tails - News
# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 5.10.92. This should improve the support for 
newer hardware: graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on.

# Fixed problems

  * Fix connecting to a Wi-Fi network when choosing **Open Wi-Fi Settings** in 
the Tor Connection assistant. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.27

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

Follow our instructions to do an [automatic upgrade from Tails 4.15, Tails
4.16, Tails 4.17, or Tails

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.27.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.27 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.28 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
March 8.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.27/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] Hello

2022-02-15 Thread k0dard via Tails-dev

I would like to participate in making Tails better. I passed LFCS (Linux 
Foundation Certified System Administrator) and LFCE (LF Certified System 
Engineer) exams last year. I also have decent knowledge of java script, node, 
react... Since for the moment I don't have a job I thought I put some of my 
time to a good cause and get some experience in the meantime :)

I modified the java script code (toggle.js) in the [top starter 
issue](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/18469) so that one 
menu item hides the other... How can I submit the code proposal ?

Thanks in advance


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