
Here's how I run GitLab CI jobs locally in unprivileged podman
containers (I really would prefer not to run a Docker daemon on my
laptop). In a nutshell:

1. Install necessary packages:

   sudo apt install gitlab-runner podman-docker mmdebstrap

2. Create a suitable gitlab-runner-helper container

   I used the attached script, heavily based on

   Run it as your normal user, not as root.

3. Profit!

   For example:

   gitlab-runner exec docker --docker-host "unix:///run/user/$(id 
-u)/podman/podman.sock" check-po-meta-date


- I had to pin the docker.io package to -1, because it's recommended
  by docker-compose, which is itself recommended by podman-docker.
  Otherwise you end up with a Docker daemon.

- This is from memory and there might be missing steps. It could be
  nice if someone reproduced this, fixed whatever needs to be fixed,
  and migrated it into /contribute/ on our website.

- Some stuff is hardcoded in the attached script (GitLab runner
  version, HTTP proxy), which is not ideal.

- If it's not running yet, you might need to explicitly enable the
  podman.socket user unit:

      systemctl --user --now enable podman.socket



set -eu
set -o pipefail


export http_proxy="";

rm -rf ~/.cache/gitlab-runner/*

## Spinner:
## http://mebsd.com/coding-snipits/bash-spinner-example-freebsd-loading-spinner.html
tee_spinner() {
    local L
    while read -r L; do
        printf "%s\b" "${sp:i++%${#sp}:1}"       # spinner/bash
        printf "%s\n" "$L" >>"$1"
    printf "\b\n"

cd ~/.cache/gitlab-runner

rm -f "${BLOG}"

printf "I: Generating GitLab Runner Docker image. This may take a while...\n"
printf "I: mmdebstrap; saving build log to %s " "${BLOG}"
mmdebstrap -v \
    --variant=apt \
    --include="bash,ca-certificates,git,git-lfs,netcat-traditional,dumb-init" \
    --aptopt='Acquire::http { Proxy "";; }' \
    bullseye ./stable.tar.xz \
2>&1 | tee_spinner "${BLOG}"

printf "I: Building Docker image "
cp -v  /usr/bin/gitlab-runner-helper .
cp -vr /usr/lib/gitlab-runner/* .
docker build --no-cache --rm --force-rm \
    -t gitlab-runner-helper:${REVISION} -f ./Dockerfile .

printf "I: docker create "
docker create --name=gitlab-runner-helper-${REVISION} gitlab-runner-helper:${REVISION} /bin/sh
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