
Jetzt abtauchen:
> Hi,
> how do i encrypt a text in the texteditor with a vendors public PGP
> key?
> So i have a sample text in my texteditor and then mark it. Then i go
> and do import the key, that also worked fine. Then in the field above
> i click on "Encrypt" the text, i choose the receiver and then
> confirm. Then there is a receiver and me as sender.
> The question here is now: Does the sample text then go directly to
> the receiver? Does tails send this over the vendors email or
> directly? i dont understand. i thought i would get an alphabet salat
> the encrypted typical text again in my texteditor or not?

You have to paste that again manually either into the text editor, email
or whereever you want to paste it. But you need to send it to the
receiver yourself. The applet does just the encryption.

You could also set up Thunderbird and GPG in Thunderbird, and the send
your email from there.

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