This isn't necessarily everyone's cup of tea (I'm too busy today to follow
it!) but there's a broader thing...

Today and tomorrow is the European Lisp Symposium, which was to be held in
Zurich.  Obviously, in person conferences aren't especially happening just
now ;-)

They're publishing video streams on Twitch:

There are probably some talks that would be of some interest to some of us
(note that Debian includes packages for innumerable Lisp dialects,
doubtless dozens and dozens, including  major Common Lisps like SBCL,
CMUCL, CLISP, ECL, GCL, and dozens of Scheme variants), but I'll bet it's
pretty much an edge case for us.

The bigger point is that there are a lot of conferences out there that have
decided to "self-isolate" and operate via video and/or videoconferencing.
There are doubtless plenty that have some material of interest.

It looks like a lot of it is leading to public publishing of material,
which curiously means that we may have *BETTER* access than we would ever
have under normal circumstances.

At the sorta wild end, and properly outside GTALUG's ambit, WORLDCON, the
World Science Fiction Convention, was to be in Middle Earth, I mean, New
Zealand.  Vanishingly few people would be likely to fly all the way there.
It will be "virtual," with the result that I imagine there will be
participants that would never have considered going to NZ in person.

Closer to home, and of way more relevance, I'm on the program committee for
PGCon, the PostgreSQL conference, normally in Ottawa, May 26-29.  Dan is
presumably very busy right now trying to collect videos and determine video
publishing and videoconferencing strategy.

Also potentially of interest is BSDCan, operated by similar folk (I'm not
on any committees) which is June 5 and 6; see
It will presumably use very much the same methodologies as PGCon.
When confronted by a difficult problem, solve it by reducing it to the
question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"
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