
I was wondering if you guys on the list could do me a favor? you see there are two old synthesizers I would love to use with window eyes once more but on a modern computer. they are keynote gold multilingual, and infovox230. keynote gold is not sapi5 is only runs on brailleNotes. infovox230 is an older sapi4 synthesizer. so could you all please if you wish to use these synthesizers in a modern form sapi5 with your window-eyes please email ferran.gallego ferran.gall...@codefactoryglobal.com and voice your wishes. I tried emailing humanware and acapela group but they are not interested probably because I am an individual and I am not a company. but you see if codeFactory gets behind us a good legitimate company then maybe humanware and acapela group will listen and partner with them and bring us infovox230 sapi5 and keynote gold sapi5 and also keynote gold for android and infovox230 for android and maybe even keySoft for android! that would bring them in more money for those 5 products!



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