Hello everyone. I am new to the mailing list and decided to contact you after 
the suggesting was made by people from OSM.

Here is the reason why I am contacting you today.

I would love to render a visualization of some data on Stockholm that needs to 
be put on a map with precize positioning. For security reasons, the machine 
that stores the data doesn't have access to the internet and I would therefore 
like to download precise tiles for Stockholm (highest zoom levels). I guess I 
don’t need to have a world map first, so it would only be tiles for the 
Stockholm area. I know this is discouraged by OSM Tile Usage Policy and I 
therefore wanted to talk about it here. Would it be possible for this one time 
to make it possible for me to bulk download tiles ?

Thank you in advance for your time, and I look forward to the discussions we 
are going to have.


Talk-se mailing list
