There's been a discussion about business cards on talk-gb.

I will volunteer to compile a mail merge of people's details who want 
cards and get sets of personalized business cards professionally printed 
and cut.

Just to get an indication of how many people might be interested, if you 
think you'd like to do this, please send an email (any content will do) 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I won't read them, just 
count them!)

It's a bit tight, but I might even be able to get a batch done before SOTM.

A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that if 25 people want them, 
I can get 96 cards each for about 2 pounds (3.50 Euro, 4 USD) per person 
plus postage and Paypal fee (I'll offer a bank account for transfer for 
those in the UK). These would be on 350gsm silk board.

Personalised data could include:
   Your name
   Your email or your OSM home page or both
   Your home lat/lon
   Title ("surveyor", "programmer", ...)
   Strapline and very brief description in a choice of languages - I'll 
let people add their own to a list so I don't have to translate them all.

as well as the common details: logo and website

Given font completeness issues, I think I'd better restrict it to Latin 
characters for now, sorry. I'll define the character set more tightly 
when I look at it further.

I'll put up a web form to order these in a day or two.

If there's any surplus, I'll donate it back to OSM


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