A few weeks ago, I contacted Oregon GEO to see if I could get the
official GIS data for Oregon relicensed for OpenStreetMap.  After a
three-week delay from my initial contact, I got a response to check the
website again:  They had updated it so all their data is in the public

So, all of Oregon is now available to OpenStreetMap.  Hopefully this
means JOSM will get a Lambert projection of Oregon soon, as I'm not
terribly happy with the current projection options and how they distort
stuff as far from the map origin as we are.

I propose if this data is imported, that it be allowed to sack any way
with "tiger:reviewed=no" on it, as the Oregon data is almost certainly
going to be more up to date and spot on than any of the unreviewed TIGER
data, particularly when it comes to data that TIGER is hopelessly wrong
on, such as railroads, Oregon's boundaries (unlike California, Nevada
and Arizona, we're not stuck in a hopeless, three-way fight over largely
uninhabited desert territory), bodies of water, state-owned highways,
and exit number and milepost locations.

Anyrate, knock yourselves out:  It's all at http://gis.oregon.gov/

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